Scholastic Book Order

Scholastic Book Orders

Approximately once a month, I will send home a book order form from Scholastic Book Clubs.  It is a wonderful way to offer you wonderful, current literature at great prices.  Scholastic provides a wide selection of books, including classic favorites, beginning readers, skill focused practice materials and books, and newly published children's books.  There are always books in the order form that you can purchase for only $1!!
What is so wonderful about Scholastic is that your purchases help our class earn bonus points, which is used to purchase more books for our classroom library!
Each order form will come home with a due date marked on it.  Please send your form with your book selections and payment (no cash, please!) in an envelope with your child's name marked on it by the due date, as I usually place the order that evening or the next day. 

Another option you will have is to place your order online and make a credit card payment using Scholastic's secure website ordering option.  You can browse the order forms and place your order right on the website.  You will be able to order online right up until the due date.  Once you have registered, use this option to log on:

Then enter the Class Activation Code: GPT8M

(If this is your first time ordering online, register at and enter the class activation code: GPT8M)

I am sure you will be very pleased with your purchases!  Book orders usually arrive within a week to a week and a half of the date the order is placed. 

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